Reputation Innovation: Summer 2020 Round-Up

Reputation Staff Writer


Reputation Innovation: Summer 2020 Round-Up is our recap of product innovations and updates from Q2. In this presentation and discussion we’ll explain how each new item helps companies get found, chosen and better and ultimately, increase revenue. We’ll discuss new product introductions, business listings updates for pandemic needs, social live streams and facelifts, new mobile app functionality and more. Plus, there will be a Q&A where we answer questions specific to our audience’s business needs.

Key Messages

A – Companies are solving problems that didn’t exist a handful of months ago
B – Google has a lot of new features and updates to help during the pandemic
C – Business listings has updates to help accuracy and visibility with user suggestions
D – Updates to social suite to make things more efficient and smooth
E – Surveys are now easier and able to accumulate more feedback
F – New education courses available and they’re free for all customers

Presenters: Ziad Abouchadi, Siôn Owen, Colby Kennedy

Recorded Jul 8 2020 ❘ 61 mins

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