The Arbor Company: Attracting and Retaining Loyal Customers

64 %

increase in The Arbor Company’s review volume

22 %

increase in search listing views both on-site and via phone

191 pt

increase in Reputation Score since adding Surveys and Social Listening solutions

$ 4.5 M

increase in total incremental revenue. Estimating 108K per location per year

Attracting Reviews and Consolidating Features

The Arbor Company began its partnership with Reputation in 2019 after identifying a need to start utilizing survey resources, as well as solicit and quickly respond to more online reviews. Arbor was working with different companies for its reviews, surveys, and social media needs and sought to find a solution that would consolidate many of its existing tools and resources. The business also wanted to find a solution that would integrate effortlessly with its customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

+ 64 %

Increase in review volume since partnering with Reputation

“I looked at which platforms some of the CRMs were integrating with already and that’s how I found Reputation,” says Mary Cate Spires, Marketing Consultant for The Arbor Company. “We were at a senior living conference and a woman in the healthcare industry spoke about customer feedback and online reputation.  We asked her what she was using, and she said Reputation. We thought it was kismet and went with it, and we’ve been super happy with it ever since.”

It’s very much a thing where when we discover a need for something, we always say to ourselves, ‘Well, does Reputation do that?’ We’re at the point where we’re going to look to you for that solution. We’re so happy with the consolidation of all of our tools in one place.”

Mary Cate SpiresMarketing Consultant, The Arbor Company

Utilizing Tools to Build out a Presence

Arbor started with Reputation’s Surveys and Reviews solutions, as they were the most pressing needs for the company. Arbor’s sales team leverages Reputation to conduct post-tour and post-move in surveys, and this feedback gives Arbor another easy data source that can be used for training purposes. 

The company also loves Reputation’s Reviews and Review Booster solution, as it enables them to get more reviews. This is important, as the company takes a novel approach to responding to reviews that starts at the top of the organization. Arbor’s president receives and reads all of the review alerts that the company gets through Reputation’s platform. If a review is good, he’ll send kudos to those involved. If it’s negative, the president will loop in the appropriate people on the Arbor team to collaborate and see what happened, how it should be handled, how the company should respond, and so on. 

Arbor also leveraged the company’s Social and Business Listings tools to help stabilize and extend the brand’s reach across the online marketplace. 

But Arbor didn’t stop there. 

The company found some of the interactions it was having with both potential and current customers would benefit from more advanced tools, such as Reputation’s Social Listening product. 

“We realized we needed Social Listening because we had an ‘uh-oh’ moment when someone was talking negatively about one of our communities on another platform,” says Spires. “Someone in leadership found out about it and wanted to know why we didn’t know about it. We realized we needed Social Listening ASAP and we went directly to Reputation again. We use it for these kinds of unforeseen moments, but we’ve also started creating content strategy around it.”

+ 22 %

Increase in listing views in search since partnering with Reputation

Reputation’s Social Listening also helped inform key elements of Arbor’s social media strategy, too. Through Social Listening, Arbor was able to see how often the company was getting mentioned on Twitter — a platform it had largely written off as being unconcerned with senior living. As a result, it reignited its Twitter strategy and reengaged with the platform as another way to reach customers where they are online.

Fostering Feature Adoption

Gaining buy-in among leaders and employees to leverage the Reputation platform was never a problem for The Arbor Company. 

“Our on-the-ground teams have completely adopted Reputation Score,” says Spires. “It’s to the point that if we don’t respond to a review right away, they will email us and tell us to get on it. They’re really, really into it.” 

The Arbor Company partnered with Reputation early on to educate their team members on how Reputation Score is more robust than just Google Review ratings.

+ 191 pt

Increase in Reputation Score since partnering with Reputation

The Arbor Company was able to garner this enthusiasm for its partnership with Reputation based on one simple metric: the better a company’s Reputation Score, the more sales leads it typically receives. This, in turn, leads to more revenue — something everyone at Arbor understands and strives for.

What’s Next?

The Arbor Company has also begun using Reputation’s Inbox product to manage all of its customer conversations in one centralized location. Arbor’s journey with Inbox is just getting off the ground, but the business has noted it is very excited to leverage the Google Messaging aspect of Inbox. A company’s Google Business Profile is incredibly important to their ability to rank in local search, and Arbor has communities across the United States.

Thanks to Reputation’s recent partnership with HubSpot, Arbor Company is also leveraging the integration of Reputation data into its HubSpot dashboard. Through the integration, the Arbor team is now able to pull through and view a range of pertinent data directly in its HubSpot dashboard, including a location’s Reputation Score, review counts, and review sentiment over time, as well as other factors that may be impacting a location’s reputation. As a result, the company has begun to note some correlations in its data, such as review volume and lead generation, which it intends to utilize in the near future.

While this depth of knowledge will help drive Arbor’s business forward, Spires still appreciates the breadth of information that the Reputation-HubSpot integration provides through a single dashboard.

“I felt like this gave me a good snapshot into what’s going on with a location’s reputation,” says Spires. “It’s really helpful because with multi-location, there are so many things to be looking at. When somebody calls about one location, it can be difficult to look at all of the different things that could be affecting performance, so having it in here is really helpful.”

We have definitely seen the higher the Reputation Score, the more digital leads we’re getting, which has really gotten everyone on board to focus on it. It’s to the point where when someone asks me, ‘How do we get more leads?’ my number one answer is always, ‘Well have you gotten any reviews or are you posting on social media?’ — the two biggest things that go into the Reputation Score. So we’re very focused around that.”

Mary Cate SpiresMarketing Consultant, The Arbor Company

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