Tip of the Week: Listen to the VoC to Head Off Negative Reviews

Reputation Staff Writer

How do you know if a customer had a bad experience with one of your locations? There’s a good chance you’ll read about it online.

According to Dimensional Research, 45% of people share negative customer experiences on social media, and 35% are likely to post negative online reviews after a poor experience. That’s bad news — but you can do something about it.

By tuning into the voice of the customer by actively and consistently monitoring what people are saying about you online, you can spot complaints voiced online and reach out to dissatisfied customers to fix the problem — before they submit a negative review on Google, Facebook or another major review site. Doing so heads negative reviews off at the pass — before they affect your overall star ratings and search rankings.

Want to learn more about how you can tune into the voice of the customer across social channels? Here’s a great resource.

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