3 Essential Ticket System Solutions

Adam Dorfman

Imagine this: A customer storms out of your store, furious with your employees. The customer returns home and writes a scathing Google review for the world to see.

Such a review is sure to make any manager nervous. But according to the “service recovery paradox (SRP)” — which states that a customer will be more loyal to your company after a service failure than after an uneventful experience —  this is your opportunity to shine. At this critical moment, an automated ticket management system is essential to recovery.

With this in mind, Reputation.com studied our customers’ pain points to identify these as the most salient features of a ticket management system that would bring them the greatest value. Here are the top three features we identified:

1) Workflow Automation

CX management should not be synonymous to email inbox management. Your team needs a dedicated system that focuses on the customer. Workflow automation is key to growing your business successfully.

Time is of the essence when it comes to recovering gracefully from service hiccups. Notify team members as soon as customer feedback is submitted. Issues should be auto-assigned directly to the correct team for immediate action. Reminder emails provide that final nudge to action before involving a wider audience to join the resolution process.

2) Omnichannel Inbox

Customers leave insightful feedback about your business on many channels throughout their journey. One may leave a negative Google review. Another may file a dispute about a security deposit or other matter. Another inquires about inaccurate information on your business listing. The list goes on — and it’s a lot to juggle.

An omnichannel inbox aggregates feedback from all channels to set clear priorities for your team. Team members only see their assigned tickets on customized dashboards. The dashboards only display the details pertinent to that individual’s assigned tickets, hiding extraneous information that can hinder issue resolution. The result? Your customers receive a clear, consistent response and have a seamless — and positive —  experience.

3) Mobile Customer Care

Your best salespeople and customer service representatives are most productive when building relationships with customers. A mobile customer care solution is critical to enabling them to focus on growing the business.

The mobile app should offer a simple, pared-down view of the web application; leave the heavyweight configurations and analysis to the web application. Critical capabilities such as responding to feedback, using brand-consistent templates and collaborating with team members should all be easily accessible on-the-go. Mobile push notifications can be used to highlight items that require immediate attention.

Reputation.com Actions Takes Ticketing to the Next Level

With these three top features in mind, Reputation.com created Actions, and customers are seeing results. Actions helps to automate workflows and speed service recovery, to help turn a poor customer experience into a customer success. You can learn more about our innovative ticking solution here.

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