Competitive Intelligence

Stay Ahead of the Competition

Unlock real time insights and outpace the competition with Reputation Competitive Intelligence.

Brand to Location Comparisons

Automatically track and compare each your competitors down to each location

Use brand to location level insights to see how you differentiate from the competition

Real Time Reporting

Outshine your competitors by automatically track themes and trends across the entire consumer journey

Create custom reports to see how you compare to competitors across specific categories

Keep Teams Aligned

Foster a unified understanding of your competitive landscape with easy to share reports

Customize competitive dashboards based on what your teams care about

Features of Competitive Intelligence

Side by Side Analysis

Quickly see how you stand out against your competitors with side by side dashboards.

Maximize your strengths with comparable sentiment analysis.

See how you compare to your main competitors at the brand and location level.

Insights that Drive Action

Arm your organization with gathered insights to fuel your strategic business initiatives.

Automatically generate executive-ready reports that include easy to digest data charts, graphs and read-outs of actual competitor reviews.

AI Powered Analysis

Track trends and determine best next steps with AI based recommendations.

Quickly understand how you compare to your competition with AI based analysis across the entire consumer journey.

Actionable Insights

Arm your organization with easily digestible competitive reports.

Fuel your strategic business initiatives with insights that can be shared across your entire organization.

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