Learn the What, Why and How of Requesting Reviews from Patients

Reputation Staff Writer

Research proves that healthcare consumers trust the voice of customers when choosing where to go for care. That’s even more true in the current healthcare crisis. Asking your patients to leave a review helps boost your search visibility and ratings — but first you must overcome the obstacles.

Healthcare organizations that request reviews consistently get more and better feedback from their patients, which leads to more visibility, engagement and conversions. But first, you must align teams around a common patient feedback strategy, which can be challenging.

During this webinar, we’ll cover the what, why and how of review requesting at a healthcare organization. Celine Patterson from Universal Health Services will join us and share her team’s strategy and implementation process, and the incredible results they’ve seen. You’ll learn:

  • Why review requesting is so important to patient acquisition, especially during COVID-19
  • How to overcome internal obstacles to review requesting
  • Why it’s easier than you think to implement review requesting

Presenters: Lindsay Neese Burton, Phil Rapisardo, Celine Patterson

Recorded Aug 12 2020 ❘ 51 mins

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