How to Drive Foot Traffic to a Retail Store after COVID-19

Reputation Staff Writer

Retail foot traffic is increasing after COVID-19 restrictions have begun to loosen. According to The Wall Street Journal, foot traffic has almost reached pre-pandemic levels in the United States as more people have been vaccinated and cities have relaxed their guidelines. Adweek reports that people are returning to stores across the board based on stronger retail reports. What’s next for retail as people return to stores? How should retailers prepare? Let’s take a closer look.

How COVID-19 Changed Consumer Behavior


Chart of foot traffic to retail stores during COVID-19

Consumers’ lifestyles and needs have evolved. Apparel is expected to see an uptick as shoppers realize their clothes from a year ago no longer fit — or they prepare for a hybrid home/office work environment. In addition, as people regain their appetite for travel, retailers may see a surge in travel-related gear such as backpacks and luggage. At the same time, no one knows yet how people will shop in retail stores. Just because changing rooms are opening up again, will people want to use them? Will they linger in stores and browse? 


Five Strategies to Encourage Customers to Return to Stores

Time will tell how the shopping experience and future of retail will change. Meanwhile, here are some strategies for retailers to keep in mind as they look to increase retail store foot traffic:

Related: How to Show Respect for Your Retail Customers in Times of Crisis


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