Trends Guide

The State of the Feedback Economy in 2022 (UK Edition)

How will your business win in today’s Feedback Economy powered by online customer ratings, reviews, and social media conversations exploding in the wild?

We provide the answer in our first-ever comprehensive assessment of the Feedback Economy. Our team leveraged Reputation’s artificial intelligence-fueled platform, to mine customer feedback from millions of reviews. We utilised our very own cutting-edge social listening tool to offer a real-time look at customer sentiment in leading industries.

Read our latest take to learn about emerging trends and tips for success in the Feedback Economy. 

Cover image for "The State of the Feedback Economy in 2022"

Our trends guide includes:

  • An in-depth look at how social listening can help uncover actionable insights on customer sentiment.
  • Insight into employee sentiment for key industries.
  • Real-time consumer sentiment on rising fuel prices, high rent prices, and growing interest in electric vehicles.
  • Benchmark Reputation Scores for the top 10 leaders within the automotive, private healthcare, and retail industries.
  • Our top 5 recommendations for winning in the Feedback Economy.

You have a say in your future by treating customer and employee sentiment as the currency of the Feedback Economy. The State of the Feedback Economy in 2022 will help you do that.”

Joe Fuca
CEO of Reputation
Collage of 2022 Feedback Economy Report

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