Get More Google Reviews Fast with Review Booster

Reputation Staff Writer

Most businesses today focus on maximizing revenue through increased sales and customer interactions, but it’s also just as important to take advantage of the opportunity to turn additional customer interactions into positive Google reviews that will attract even more customers to your business.

Enter Review Booster by Reputation — a solution package that’s a must-have for any business looking to enhance its online presence by rapidly boosting review volume and improving star ratings. Check out this video for a quick 2-minute overview:

Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits Review Booster provides:

Get More Reviews, Fast

In today’s feedback economy, customers go where others have had a great experience. Knowing that reviews are linked to revenue, it’s now more important than ever to build up your brand’s social proof by generating more public reviews from existing customers. The tricky part is that most satisfied customers won’t leave a review unless you ask.

Review Booster helps unlock the voice of this happy yet silent majority by sending your customers short and simple feedback requests via email or SMS. Then, once customers have entered their feedback, Review Booster makes sharing to Google a breeze, by prepopulating the Google form with the customer’s provided feedback. All that’s needed is one more click or tap to post.

By taking advantage of Review Booster’s simple, optimized flow for capturing reviews, Reputation clients have seen increases in positive review volume as high as 100%.

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Do More with the Reviews You Get

Whether or not customers opt to post their reviews publicly to Google, their feedback can be used for other business benefits, too. Besides always having access to their feedback within the Reputation platform for internal analysis, you can feed the star ratings provided by your customers into your Google Seller Rating. 

What’s that, you ask? Google Seller Rating is one overall star rating for your brand. Unlike your regular location-based Google ratings that pop up on Google Maps or in search results, your Google Seller Rating is not location-specific. It’s designed to give customers an overall sense of your brand’s product/service quality and trustworthiness.

The main way in which the Google Seller Rating is used is for advertising. With Review Booster, your Google Seller Rating can be fueled with new, positive customer ratings, then displayed on your Google Ads to boost ad performance and earn more qualified leads.

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Benefit Beyond Google

While Review Booster improves your Google presence, it also improves how your brand looks elsewhere. Customer reviews received via Review Booster can be streamed to your corporate website and/or to your individual location web pages. This capability helps bring quality customer-proof points to these other important online properties that may otherwise see less review activity.

Additionally, you can configure Review Booster to publish customer reviews directly to TripAdvisor — an important channel for hospitality businesses in particular. We are working on adding more integrations in the near future, such as for automotive review sites.

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How to Take Advantage of Review Booster

Interested in quickly increasing your review volumes? Now’s the time to sign up! If you’re an existing Reputation customer, reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information. Not a customer yet? Email, and one of our team members will be happy to give you a demo!

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