What’s NEW in Product

Amplify your platform experience with the latest innovations, updates and resources

June marks the beginning of summer and we’re turning up the heat with this month’s release! Packed with powerful updates to improve efficiency and elevate your platform experience, June’s updates are not to be missed. Keep reading to discover everything coming to the platform, and be sure to connect with your Customer Success Manager to integrate the new features into your program.

June’s Featured Releases

  • Autofind Results Bulk Operations: Simplified bulk approvals workflow
  • Publish Data Explorer: Customizable views of key social metrics 
  • Review Response Sentiment Filters: Improved pending response sorting 
  • Survey Accessibility: Expanded screen reader compatibility
  • Sources: Enhanced data collection and support 
  • Call for Beta Participants: Help shape Reputation’s product development 
  • Hot Off the Press: Read the latest guides, articles, case studies and more

Seen and Heard: Survey Accessibility

At Reputation, we’re dedicated to building products that are accessible to people of all abilities. This month, we’re excited to announce enhancements to survey accessibility for consumers who rely on screen readers.

We’ve optimized the survey page structure and layout to provide more fluid keyboard navigation and better performance with customers using leading screen readers, like NVDA, JAWS and VoiceOver. Survey takers using a screen reader, or with accessibility features enabled, will hear both the question and response options as they move through the pages. For numeric or star rating scale, they will hear the correct numeric options. Additionally, if you include alternative – or alt – text with static images (i.e., a logo), your customers will now hear that text when presented with the image. These updates make providing feedback easier and more efficient for all your customers, ensuring that everyone can share their valuable insights.

Available now for all Surveys customers. 

Example of Survey Accessibility

What’s NEW in Betas

Join our exclusive Beta program and help shape the future of the Reputation platform! As a Beta participant, you’ll get early access to new features and products before they go live. You’ll also have a direct line to the product team to share feedback about usability, performance, and your overall experience to ensure we deliver the best possible product.

Current Beta Features 

  • Saved Views for Inbox & the New Reviews Feed:  Do you have a set of filters you regularly use to sort your reviews or inbox messages? Ever wish you could save them as your default view, rather than adding them each time you log in? Join this Beta opportunity to test new functionality for creating new filter views, saving your favorite views and choosing your default view. Open to all customers with Reviews &/or Inbox.
  • Create Action Plans from Insights and Reputation Score: You have a wealth of actionable insights within the platform, from your Reputation Score to sentiment analysis and more. But how do you and your teams turn those insights into a plan for improvement? This Beta opportunity is designed to help you bridge the gap between strategy and tactics using Action Plans. Open to all customers with Experience Insights.

Ready to join?

Click the button to email the Beta team or contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more.

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