A Q&A With Chris Lee, Reputation.com’s New EVP of Worldwide Sales

Reputation Staff Writer

This month, Reputation.com welcomed sales veteran and former DocuSign and FinancialForce executive Chris Lee as EVP of Worldwide Sales. Mark Lange, Reputation.com CMO, sat down with Chris to learn more about his background, interests, and priorities for the company as he leads the global sales team through a period of accelerated growth.


Mark: Tell us a bit about yourself.

Chris: I grew up outside of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania and currently live in Princeton, NJ with my wife and three children. To come to Reputation.com, I left behind my position as Senior Vice President and Head of North American Sales at FinancialForce — a cloud-based applications company based in San Francisco. While there I built out a 130-person sales team and achieved over 40% year-over-year growth for two consecutive years.

Before that, I was at DocuSign. I served as vice president and general manager, and I helped the company’s global sales group secure blue-chip accounts like JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citi Group and Wells Fargo. I spent over a decade at Salesforce — I joined the company in 2003 when it had fewer than 150 employees. Over the course of 10 years, I helped develop a world-class, market-changing global sales team.

Mark: As you enter your new role, what are your key priorities?

Chris: Reputation has a great culture, which I believe is the most important factor in being successful as a company. I want to continue to build on creating a culture of trust, transparency and team collaboration. Everyone on the team should feel empowered to do their best work and feel supported as part of the Reputation.com family.

I want to remove the bureaucracy and barriers to all facets of the sales process and provide my team with the resources and tools they need to get the job done.

Finally, it’s critical to recognize each person’s efforts toward our success. They all contribute to the greater good. We should celebrate every win, large and small, and give credit where it’s due.

Mark: What are you most excited about in terms of your new role at Reputation.com?

Chris: I’m excited to join Reputation.com because it is the pioneer of the online reputation management space. And I’m fortunate to inherit a team of young talent and seasoned veterans that are hungry to seal Reputation.com’s status as the clear leader.

Mark: What’s your vision for Reputation.com’s leadership position in the reputation and CX management market?

Chris: We’re the only ORM platform that does it all — and gives clients a single view of their online reputation. That’s incredible! We’re re-defining and evolving the industry that we, ourselves, created and pioneered.

I’m excited about promoting Reputation Score as a core capability of our platform. Every company — large or small — should know their Reputation Score. And ours is the only platform that can calculate it accurately. That’s a heck of a differentiator!

Mark: What drives you on a personal level?

Chris Lee and Family, Paris

Family plays a huge role in Chris Lee’s life and philosophy.

Chris: Everyone has a “Why.” I’m lucky enough to have several. First and foremost is family. I’ve been married to my wife Nancy for 21 years. Our three children are approaching college age, too, so of course, I’m busy planning on how to pay for that!

And speaking of paying, paying it forward is very important to me. My family and I are extremely fortunate, and that’s because we’ve received help and mentorship along the way. Now it’s our turn to return the favor, and help others succeed. One way I do that is in charity work — finding a cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a cause close to my heart. COPD is a long-term lung disease that refers to both chronic bronchitis and emphysema. People who suffer from it need constant medical attention, which requires funds many families don’t have.

Mark: Tell us something about you that may surprise people.

Chris: Before I entered the tech world, I used to be a soap opera star! I was on “As the World Turns” for many years and hope to go back someday, maybe as someone’s grandpa!

Mark: Thanks for the insight Chris, and welcome to the Reputation.com family!

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