Retailers: Here’s Why Millennials Matter

Reputation Staff Writer

For many marketing veterans, the thought of consumers under the age of 35 — some as young as 14 — driving brand perception for retail companies seems far-fetched. After all, many of us have kids that age. What do they know about branding?

In fact, they’re shaping your brand right now. Millennials — people born between 1982 and 2003 — make up about 25 percent of the buying public, accounting for $170 billion in purchases each year. There are 91 million of them, as opposed to only 61 million Gen Xers and 77 million Baby Boomers, and by 2025, they’ll constitute 75 percent of the U.S. workforce. Millennials are the first native digital users, and they’re more socially connected than any other age group in history.

What’s more, millennials are more likely than any other group to share retail experiences via social — and they rely heavily on online reviews to make buying decisions.

A Different Kind of Consumer

Here are a few reasons why millennials are disrupting traditional purchasing patterns:

Given their social media prowess and discriminating nature, the opinions of millennials matter — a lot. News of one bad experience with a retail establishment can spread quickly through a variety of social channels, causing significant damage to your brand.

Earn Millennials’ Business by Optimizing Your Online Reputation

Traditional marketing doesn’t work anymore with the millennial crowd; your success with this critical market segment depends on the quality of your online reputation. The good news? Through proven Online Reputation Management strategies, you can optimize your brand image online, demonstrate a commitment to creating engaging and satisfying customer experiences, and win over this cautious, tech-savvy group of younger shoppers. Here’s how:

For more information about how to optimize your online reputation to capture more of the millennial market segment, download our success kit or watch a demo.

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