Anti-Spam Policy

Policy Statement, Inc. has a zero-tolerance spam policy.  This means that all email recipients must have opted in to, or otherwise validly consented to, receiving communications from the sender, whether that sender is the Company or any customer/user using the Company’s platform and services.

By subscribing to the reputation management platform and services (hereinafter “the Services”), a User agrees to use it in compliance with Anti-Spam Policy stated below.

1. Legal Requirements

The Company requires all Users to comply with all legal requirements governing the sending of commercial electronic messages such as email and texting, including, but not limited to: the CAN SPAM Act of 2003,  TCPA, Canadian Anti Spam Legislation,  “EU Opt-In Directive”, Directive 2002/58/EC (specifies minimum legislation for member states) and Directive 2003/58/EC (amending Council Directive 68/151/EEC).

2. What Is Spam?

Spam, also known as junk mail, is an unsolicited commercial email and text messages, especially bulk email and text message. Unsolicited means that the recipient has not granted verifiable permission for the message to be sent. Bulk means that the message is sent as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantively identical content. The term ‘spamming’ refers to transmitting, distributing or delivering any unwanted commercial e-mail or text correspondence, by automated means, especially in mass quantities, thru electronic means of communication.

3. Consent

When Users use the Services to send emails or texts for review requests, for surveys or for any other purpose, the User must have the recipient’s consent, as required by the relevant laws, to receive such information from the User or legal right to send such email or text without consent.

4. Policy Violations

The User must not use the Services to send any unsolicited and unwanted e-mail correspondence. Without limiting the foregoing, the User shall be liable for any loss incurred or damage suffered by or any third party should such loss result from noncompliance with this Anti-Spam Policy.

If you believe you have been spammed or have concerns about spam originating from, please notify the Company at:

Last updated August 11, 2017

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