11 Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2022

Reputation Staff Writer

Social media has quickly become a must-have technology for businesses in all industries. But, as with any technology, social media changes rapidly. Because of that, it’s important to stay on top of the necessary trends that will help you catch current and prospective customers’ eyes. Here’s a look at some of the top social media trends to look out for in 2022. 


Time to Get Even More Digital


As technology advances and becomes more complicated, so does social media. That means we can expect to see some of the latest technological advancements to seep into current social media sites. Gone are the days of simply just posting comments online — things are about to get even more digital. 


1) Shifts in the algorithm — Specifically, when it comes to Facebook, you can expect some shifts in the algorithm —  potentially even a removal of the algorithm itself. This will both reduce controversial content within users’ feeds, along with providing an easier, more swipeable timeline. 


This gives users more control, but also might mean it will be harder to predict if your content will show in your users’ timelines. Expect to see some algorithm changes from Instagram as well. Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri stated before Senate that he is working on a version of the platform that would allow a chronological timeline, ensuring that users have meaningful control over the experience.  


2) Augmented reality will become more dominant

Mark Zuckerberg Meta avatar

Source: Quartz

This trend has been slowly creeping up for years, but experts are predicting that augmented reality (AR) will become an integral part of social media next year. That’s especially true of Mark Zuckerberg’s venture into the AR-fueled metaverse. High profile interest in AR may entice marketers into experimenting with it more moving forward. (CMS Wire)


3) NFT avatars — In order to participate in AR social media platforms, you’ll need to build an NFT avatar. These are 3D characters that will show up as a representation of you or your business on these platforms. 


As Facebook has placed a significant value in the Metaverse moving forward, experts predict that Facebook will begin to add tools to help users build these avatars for themselves. Zuckerberg anticipates a world in which these avatars are a primary way people communicate online. (Social Media Today)


Look to Your Audience


Businesses use different types of social media tools to connect with their audience on a personal level. For that reason, it’s wise to study their behavior online — what apps are they using? Who are the people within your target audience following? This can help to inform your own social media marketing efforts. 


Related: How to Add Multiple Locations to Your Facebook Business Page


4) Instagram reels will become more popular

Instagram reels

Source: TechCrunch

Mosseri has stated that the platform is shifting in order to accommodate more users asking for entertaining video content. With that trend in mind, that means that your audience is likely among the group looking for more engaging content. 


One way to deliver on that is by incorporating Instagram Reels into your digital marketing strategy. This tool allows you to quickly deliver short bites of content to fill that need. (Social Media Examiner


5) User-generated content is on the rise — Studies show that audiences connect more with user-generated content, as opposed to branded content, as it comes across as more authentic. This type of content allows for consumers to interact with your brand and create chatter around the customer experience. It’s an inexpensive way to boost your social media marketing strategy. (Grin)


6) TikTok will tread into the business space — As HubSpot reported, the term TikTok had a 61% increase in mentions year-over-year during the beginning of 2021 and was the first non-Facebook app to reach 3 million global downloads. As it’s a consistently highly-downloaded mobile app, it’s a great way to connect directly with your customer base. Businesses can leverage TikTok to find the brand personality that makes them memorable. (HubSpot)


7) Influencer marketing will mature — People turned to influencers earlier in the coronavirus pandemic, making influencer marketing a valuable asset to explore in 2022. HubSpot’s Senior Manager of Social Media Kelly Hendrickson stated that influencers are continuing to rise in spaces like TikTok. 


As businesses are having a harder time adapting to newer spaces like this, content partnerships are a great way to ease into these platforms. That means that businesses should continue to watch their feeds for relevant influencers in their space. (HubSpot)


Urge Your Sales Team to Get Social


As HubSpot stated, social media reached more than 3.7 billion users around the globe. With so many people on social media in one way or another, you should urge your sales team to meet your customers where they are. 


8) Social selling will dominate in 2022 — Social media tools are becoming more integrating with shopping platforms, in order to offer a more seamless retail experience. For example, Instagram now offers Shoppable Stories, which allows users to tap on a sticker to purchase — all without leaving the app. For businesses that sell any kind of product, this integration will be vital moving forward. (HubSpot) 


Related: A Quick Guide to Getting a Blue Checkmark on Instagram


9) Social media will be the center of post-pandemic shopping — While brick-and-mortar stores have managed to hold on throughout the coronavirus pandemic, social shopping has absolutely been on the rise and will continue to do so. In 2022, you should expect to see retailers continuing to extend the customer experience to social media. Larger brands will likely look to see how they can push the limits of their own online shopping experience. (Hootsuite)


10) Social customer service will be more important than ever — Since customers are so used to purchasing items online now, there is an increasing demand for agile online customer service channels. Consumers often turn to Facebook posts and Tweets as a way to reach out for support. If your team hasn’t already, they should invest more time and money in leveraging existing popular social media platforms to support these initiatives. (CMS Wire)


11) Leverage QR codes

Social media QR codes

Source: Fiverr

QR codes have made a major comeback during the coronavirus pandemic. While most of that usage has been in the hospitality space, experts predict that Snapchat will lean into QR codes more in 2022 in order to offer more scan options within the app. 


While it’s a great way to connect users with further information, this also offers additional advantages to businesses as well. With this information at their fingertips, they’ll be able to make more of a direct connection between on and offline consumer behaviors, which can heavily influence marketing strategies moving forward. (Social Media Today)


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