How to Use Customer Feedback to Your Advantage

Reputation Staff Writer

If you’re not tuning into customer feedback, you may be losing business to your competitors.

According to Temkin Group, companies that are focused on customer experience have more than a 16 percent advantage over competitors in willingness to buy, reluctance to switch brands and likelihood to recommend.

However, many companies struggle with obtaining candid feedback because their methods are inadequate or yield inconsistent results.

For example, do your surveys do what you want them to — prompt customers to provide detailed and actionable insight? Are you getting good response rates so you have enough data to really understand your strengths and weaknesses?

And once you have the data, do you have the means to analyze it and take the necessary next steps to improve the customer experience?

In the third part of our Online Reputation Management Series, “Taking Action on Customer Feedback,” we’ll explain you why surveys are a critical ORM strategy and discuss the challenges associated with creating and sending surveys that get results.

We’ll also examine how an ORM platform that offers advanced analytics and reporting can help you gain operational insights from customer feedback, and use those insights to improve the customer experience.

Read the guide to learn more.

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