The State of Google and What it Means for Your Business

Reputation Staff Writer


Google has 90% of the global search market — and more than half of Google searches are zero-click, meaning consumers rely on the information there to make decisions. As a result, the search giant is at the center of a sound business strategy.

As such, making smart choices for your business and its future hinges on understanding Google’s game plan and investments. Armed with this knowledge, you can take steps to improve your chances of being found and chosen in Google’s universe. — with its premier Google partnership, API and in-house Google experts — is in a unique position to empower and inform businesses about Google’s direction for the future and what it takes to use Google’s features and capabilities to attract and convert customers.

Listen to this thought leadership presentation on the state of Google and its direction for the future. You’ll learn:

  • What Google is trying to protect with its investments and why
  • How Google is fighting COVID-19 and engaging business owners at the local level
  • What new industries are getting Google’s attention
  • Why Reputation Experience Management is pivotal to your Google strategy

Presenters: Adam Dorfman, Colby Kennedy

Recorded Sep 29 2020 ❘ 37 mins

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